Second informative meeting of the EDURES Pilot Action in Friuli Venezia Giulia

On 24 March 2024, the second informative meeting of the EDURES Pilot Action in Friuli Venezia Giulia was held in digital mode.

24/03/2024 Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)

On 24 March 2024, the second informative meeting of the EDURES Pilot Action in Friuli Venezia Giulia was held in digital mode.

The participants

In addition to the director Patrizia Pavatti, of the Education, Guidance and Right to Study Service, Central Directorate for Employment, Training, Education and Family of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and her staff, and the experts from ISIG, who are in charge of the implementation of the Pilot Action under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the meeting was also attended by the representatives of the 6 schools involved.

For the Cividale del Friuli area, these were the Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono, the ISIS Paolino d’Aquileia and the IC of Cividale del Friuli.

For the Tolmezzo area, instead, ISIS Paschini-Linussio, ISIS Fermo Solari and IC Tolmezzo were present.

The content

On this occasion, ISIG Director Daniele Del Bianco presented in detail the functioning of the EDURES toolkit and the modalities and action plan through which it will be implemented in the different contexts. 

At the end of the meeting, the school managers, the Regional Directorate and ISIG established an implementation calendar that will mark the EDURES implementation activities from April to September 2024, between on-site and online meetings.
