The challenge

EDURES aims at tackling a fundamental challenge: ensuring the right and access to quality, inclusive education at all times.

Public authorities find themselves calling into question the value of ‘past’ practices (i.e., the tools by which these manage the present) and ‘future’ strategies (i.e., the vision that frames how present practice might evolve and improve in terms of efficiency and effectiveness). A critical assessment of these practices and strategies is of paramount importance for member states in designing comprehensive and ef- fective tools to help educational ecosystems to anticipate and respond to emerging challenges.

The objective

EDURES aims at empowering education systems for current and future challenges and contributing to more sustainable and inclusive democratic European societies.

The toolkit offers a framework for assessing the resilience of educational ecosystems – informed by the concepts of resilience, robustness, and preparedness – and drafting innovative policy solutions which look at the potential of systems and actors, such as educational communities, to address or minimise the impacts of potential emergencies and crisis on the delivery of quality, inclusive education for all.

Building resilient communities through education, therefore, implies:

  • Assessing the educational ecosystem by integrating social, economic, institutional, and physical elements.
  • Identifying educational needs, resources, and capacities. 
  • Fostering participation in decision-making processes.

The users

Users of EDURES are identified as “educational leaders” within (or connected to) educational institutions, such as:

  • headmaster
  • educational institution
  • managers
  • coordinators of educational departments at municipalities national educational policy makers
  • Other stakeholders with an interest in engaging in a participatory process developing, implementing, and maintaining resilience strategies for education.

The results

EDURES aims at supporting educational stakeholders from member States to school governance by providing guidance and practical tools, fostering preparedness for educational systems, Informing strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation for more sustainable, fair, and inclusive education systems.

EDURES addresses the capacity of an educational ecosystem to withstand, recover, adapt, and persist in the face of crises. The strategies designed with the support of the toolkit focus on institutional preparedness and recovery, but also go beyond that as they seek to strengthen the performance of public authorities and im- prove overall levels of quality education.