Indicators are specific measures or metrics that provide insights into the performance and progress of a learning environment towards its targets.

The indicators of the EDURES Benchmark are designed to provide a clear framework for monitoring, assessing, and evaluating the adherence to each principle. By using these indicators, local elected representatives, local public officials, and stakeholders’ part of the Education Resilience Task Force can gather objective data, evidence and perceptions to measure the level of compliance and progress in implementing Resilience in their community/learning environment.

The selection and definition of indicators were guided by the aim to ensure effectiveness, relevance, and applicability in different contexts and at different levels. They take into account the unique characteristics of each principle and aim to capture key aspects that reflect its implementation and impact.

In the EDURES Benchmark, indicators are clustered on 3 levels, according to the EDURES Theoretical framework:

  1. Strategy level corresponding to Values;
  2. Policy level corresponding to Attitudes;
  3. Action level corresponding to Skills.

In this way, EDURES indicators capture the overall development of community resilience, providing users with multilevel evaluation and strategic insights.

In the framework of the EDURES Benchmark, 3 indicators for each Dimension are identified, for a total of 270 Indicators that need to be meticulously contextualised and, if deemed relevant, assessed by the Education Resilience Task Force (ERT).