Within the toolkit, Dimensions are identified as attributes of the physical world and of the community under evaluation.

On the one hand, attributes of the physical world are understood as the complex set up of natural and infrastructural variables that influence the educational ecosystem and the wider community, encompassing all aspects of the physical environment that set the context within which an action situation is situated. Relevant areas might be:

  • Environment (e.g., climate, environmental vulnerabilities, etc.).
  • Infrastructures (e.g., school buildings, sport venues, etc.).

On the other, attributes of the community are understood as the complex set up of socio-economic and governances variables that influence the educational ecosystem and the wider community, encompassing all aspects of the social, cultural and institutional environment that set the context within which an action situation is situated.

Relevant areas might be:

  • Governance (drawing from Harold D. Lasswell, governance determines “who cand do what to whom, and on whose authority”).
  • Society (e.g., demographics, minorities, etc.).
  • Economy (e.g., welfare, employment, etc.).

Dimension “break down” the context by which the learning environment is co-created (along with rules-in-use, actors and action situations) thus allowing to deepen the evaluation and to provide more to-the-point strategies and measures.

To summarise, EDURES can help operationalise resilience in learning environments and, therefore, in a community across five main areas where the challenges and opportunities in terms of resilience building can be ‘observed’ at community level:

  • Society – Describing the social wellbeing and vitality of the community.
  • Economy – Describing the economic wellbeing and dynamism of the community.
  • Governance – Describing the institutional and political setting and decision-making processes.
  • Infrastructure – Describing physical elements (i.e.,exposed values)of a community.
  • Environment – Describing the sustainability of a community’s environmental health and ecosystems.