The EDURES Benchmark in based on the 6 Principles of Resilience for Education, developed building on the acquis of the Education department of the Council of Europe.

The Benchmark is the key component of the self-assessment exercise aimed at providing indication of the performances of the learning environment under evaluation, according to 3 different profiles of resilience competences: absorptive, adaptive and transformative.

Leveraging an automated digital platform, the benchmark facilitates a deep dive into contexts that require intervention, ensuring the creation of a resilient learning environment. By juxtaposing the assessment results with their derived resilience competencies, users are adeptly steered towards drafting relevant and effective strategies to ensure quality, inclusive education at times of emergencies and crisis.

The EDURES Benchmark implements therefore an holistic resilience analysis, to gain a comprehensive view of the educational context, covering social, economic, environmental, infrastructural, and governance dimensions.

The structure of the EDURES Benchmark follows this rationale: Principle and its definition -> Target -> Dimension(s) -> Indicator(s) -> Evidence(s).

Principle 1
3 targets
5 dimensions
15 indicators
45 evidences
Principle 3
3 targets
5 dimensions
15 indicators
45 evidences
Principle 5
3 targets
5 dimensions
15 indicators
45 evidences
Principle 2
3 targets
5 dimensions
15 indicators
45 evidences
Principle 4
3 targets
5 dimensions
15 indicators
45 evidences
Principle 6
3 targets
5 dimensions
15 indicators
45 evidences
EDURES Benchmark structure