The Context

Friuli Venezia Giulia region is situated in North-East Italy, at the border of Austria and Slovenia.

It is an autonomous Region with a degree of self-governance, allowing it to manage independently certain aspects of its cultural and administrative affairs. Friuli Venezia Giulia encompasses a diverse geographical landscape, featuring the Julian Alps to the North, plains in the central area, and the Adriatic Sea to the south. It is culturally diverse, with Italian, Slovenian, and Austrian influences and a multicultural heritage. This led to the establishment of several policies committed to protecting and promoting minority languages and cultures.

Yearly, the Region allocates about 33 millions € to the regional education system.

Regional autonomy in Education matters

The Friuli Venezia Giulia region exercises significant autonomy in its education system. Due to this framework, in 2023, the region allocated EUR 33 million to the regional education system. Autonomy is expressed in compliance with state competences, and the region acts in accordance with state directives.

An example of this collaboration can be found in the management of school sizing, where the region works within the limits set by the state, while maintaining an active role in defining local educational policies.

Regional particularities in the curriculum and training offerings
  • In Friuli Venezia Giulia, investment in state public schools has significantly increased from around EUR 7 million, in 2018, to around EUR 26 million, in 2022, underlining the region’s commitment to providing a rich and varied educational offer.
  • The region also focuses on maintaining educational provision despite demographic variations and administrative changes, as demonstrated by the involvement of various stakeholders in school sizing processes.
Bilingualism and multiculturalism in the education system
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia stands out for its focus on multiculturalism and bilingualism, protecting and promoting minority languages.
  • The region is committed to preserving cultural and linguistic diversity in its schools, especially in mountainous areas and communities with minority languages.
Specific educational projects in FVG
  • A key educational project in Friuli Venezia Giulia is “Plan Your Future FVG”, an interactive platform for educational orientation. This platform provides digitalised orientation content for secondary school students and their teachers and families, as well as university students and orientation professionals. It includes educational fact sheets, questionnaires, documents, tutorials and video interviews, contributing to the development of a career-oriented and digitised educational system.

EDURES Pilot in Friuli Venezia Giulia

The focus of the action

The EDURES toolkit piloting in the context of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia focuses on two strands of “long-term challenges”:

  • the impact of the climate crisis on the regional context;
  • the demographic change, as experienced in the Region.

Key Actors in the pilot action

The EDURES Pilot Action in Friuli Venezia Giulia is managed by:

The Piloting process is scientifically supported by ISIG.

The Resolution

The participation of the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia in the EDURES Piloting has been formalised in Regional Government Resolution n. 397, of 15 March 2024. To consult the relevant extract from the minutes of the meeting, click here.

The Pilot sites

Two pilot areas have been identified for the EDURES Pilot Action:

  • the area of Tolmezzo;
  • the area of Cividale del Friuli.

In both areas, the piloting will be mainly conducted at the level of educational institutions.


In the area of Tolmezzo, the following educational institutions are involved in the Pilot Action

Cividale del Friuli

In the area of Cividale del Friuli, the following educational institutions